I've been meaning to post this for a few days now but have just now gotten around to it. Last Monday, Oct. 4th, I turned 37 weeks. Layne is more active than ever now and loves to move & groove. I love to feel her little hiccups, which seem to last all night long. It amazes me how strong this little girl is with each passing day. She is amazing!!!
Thursday, I had my 37 week appointment and sonogram. We were checking to see what position Layne was in to determine if a C-section would be needed because last weeks sonogram showed that she was breech. Well...she is a stubborn little bug. She was still breech but had flipped over to the other side. And she LOVES her feet!! They are right up beside her head and she loves to hold them. She measured 4 lbs. 2 oz. but is more likely to be close to 4 lbs. Lori, my technician, informed me that the ventricle in her brain that was dilated last week, was no longer dilated. Also, there was less fluid in her left kidney than last week. Praise God!! When I was told about the excess fluid at my last appointment, my heart sank. For a while I had been researching and reading other T18 families blogs and was so hopeful that she would be with us a while. But when Dr. G started talking about hydronephrosis and how it could affect her, I felt like I had been hit by a freight train all over again. I felt like it was a reality check for me. However, I know that my God's plan is perfect and I don't want to question it. I know that He is carrying me through this dark and uncertain time and He won't abandon me.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29: 10-12
So because Layne is still in her comfortable position, we have been scheduled for a C-section on Thursday, Oct. 14 at noon. I'll go back for one last visit and sonogram on Wednesday, just to make sure she hasn't decided to change her position. Right now I am praying that Thursday will be a day of joy and peace. I don't want it to be a sad day...it should be a day of celebration because we will meet our precious little miracle. I pray that God will surround us with His overwhelming peace and will allow us to have the perfect amount of time with her.
Prayer requests:
Pray for the doctors, nurses and medical staff who will be working with us.
Pray for Layne's safe delivery.
Pray that she will feel no pain or suffer in any way and will know only love and peace.
Pray for God's guidance as we make any decisions concerning Layne.
Pray for Reid & Lily. That God will provide a blanket of protection over them and that they will have time to love on their little sister.
Pray for strength, courage and understanding for us and our families.
Pray that this sweet little girl will continue to impact lives and that God will be glorified through her life.
"As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things." Ecclesiastes 11:5
"God causes all things to work together for good for those who love Him and are called for His purpose." Romans 8:28
The end of 2024
1 month ago
We are praying for you and will be in prayer especially on
Thursday. God has an awesome plan for each of you.
I am pray all of those prayers. I will see you tomorrow.
Praying for your family!
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